What Makes Chicago Unique: 10 Things That Make It Special

Nestled along Lake Michigan, Chicago shines as a gem in the U.S. heart. It’s praised for its beautiful setting with the lake on three sides. This creates amazing views from the city’s high points. Chicago enjoys a Mediterranean climate, which makes it a pleasant place to live.

This city is rich in culture with a mix of people from many backgrounds. You can explore different worlds in places like Chinatown, Little Italy, and Japantown.

What Makes Chicago Unique

Chicago is not just about its breathtaking views and cultural diversity. It’s a hub for cool museums, top-notch music and theater venues, and more. From jazz to blues, the city’s music scene is vibrant. This welcoming spirit has been part of Chicago for a long time. It makes the city a truly special place for all kinds of people.

Chicago Nicknames

What Makes Chicago Unique

The city of Chicago has many nicknames. The most famous one is the “Windy City.” This nickname started in the 1850s. At first, people used it to talk about Green Bay in Wisconsin. But by the 1870s, it was Chicago’s name.

Chicago has more than just the “Windy City” nickname. It’s also known as the “Second City.” This respects its place as the second-largest city in the U.S. There’s also the “City of Big Shoulders,” highlighting its industrial strength and hardworking people.

These nicknames show Chicago’s diverse history. For instance, the “City of Broad Shoulders” comes from its big buildings and industrious folks. “Second City” hints at being in the East Coast’s shadow.

Flat Terrain

Flat Terrain

Chicago is famous for its tall skyscrapers and unique architecture. But, the land it’s built on is flat. The city sits on a natural mud flat. Early developers had to raise the ground on stilts.

This area, by the edge of Lake Michigan, was once known as “Mud City”. Today, Chicago’s flatness is still a big part of its look and feel.

Magnificent Downtown & Architecture

Chicago’s downtown and its architecture are stunning. The old Victorian buildings stand tall after being restored and painted. This makes the city’s architecture truly stand out.

Walking the streets, you can’t miss the famous buildings. The Willis Tower and Buckingham Fountain are just awe-inspiring. They mark Chicago as a city full of architectural wonders.

There is also Cloud Gate, aka “The Bean”, one of Chicago’s most popular sights. The monumental work of art anchors downtown Millennium Park.


Chicago stands out due to its many bridges. There are 37 movable bridges across the Chicago River’s branches, as per the second source. These bridges don’t just help people get around. They are also symbols of amazing design and clever solutions by their creators.

The bridges in Chicago that can move are very special. They keep the waterways open for boats and cars. You can find different styles among these unique bridges. Some are classic drawbridges, while others, like bascule bridges, show more modern design.

The Michigan Avenue Bridge is well-known and a must-see. Also, the Kinzie Street Bridge is impressive for its design. These bridges show how Chicago values new ideas and good city planning. They are key for travel and add a lot to how the city looks and feels.

Lake Michigan and the Lakefront

Lake Michigan and the Lakefront

Chicago is right on Lake Michigan, making it very special. It gives the city amazing views and nice weather.

The Chicago lakefront is long and loved by the city’s people. It has places like Navy Pier and many beaches. It’s great for swimming and boating with a view of the city.

The lakefront isn’t just for fun. It’s also a place for events and green spaces like Millennium Park. These areas are for relaxing and enjoying the city’s nature.

The city has done a lot to keep Lake Michigan’s beauty part of Chicago. This mix of nature and the city makes Chicago special. It’s a place people love to visit and live in.

Chicago Deep Dish Pizza

Chicago Deep Dish Pizza

Chicago is famous for serving deep-dish pizza, a unique culinary star of the city. It is “thick” and “unmatched,” says a second source. This pizza style showcases the city’s love for rich, bold flavors, with its tall crust and layers of toppings.

The iconic deep-dish pizza represents Chicago’s food power, pulling in visitors worldwide. From the traditional recipe to modern and diverse toppings, the deep-dish pizza is a key part of the city’s food identity.

Trying a slice or a whole pizza in Chicago is an unforgettable experience. It shows off the city’s lively food culture. The deep-dish pizza is a top item on many people’s to-eat lists in the Windy City, making it a true Chicago treasure.

Italian Beef

In Chicago, the Italian beef sandwich stands out as a true local gem. It can be seen “everywhere you turn” in the city.

This dish shows Chicago’s rich food culture and love for creating unique sandwiches. These sandwiches are a key part of what makes Chicago’s food scene so vibrant.

The Italian beef sandwich is cherished by locals. It includes seasoned roast beef cooked in its own juices. This flavorful meat is then placed on a crusty roll. It’s often served with giardiniera, a pickled vegetable mix. The giardiniera adds a zesty kick to the sandwich.

Anyone visiting Chicago should try this iconic dish. It reflects the city’s deep love for exciting and tasty cuisine. Chicago is known for its amazing food, and the Italian beef sandwich is a prime example.

Music Scene

Chicago is famous for its diverse music scene, making it unique. It includes jazz, blues, rock, and salsa. The city is known for its “wonderful cultural climate.” This features “world-class” symphony, opera, and theater, giving everyone a variety of musical experiences.

The jazz scene in Chicago has a rich history. Louis Armstrong, Nat King Cole, and Benny Goodman started here. You can find jazz everywhere, from small clubs to big halls. Chicago offers a unique chance to see how jazz has evolved over time.

Chicago’s music scene isn’t just about jazz. It’s also big in blues, rock, and Latin music. Well-known musicians like Muddy Waters and Howlin’ Wolf got their start here. Bands like Cheap Trick and Smashing Pumpkins also call Chicago home. This shows the rich and varied music culture the city has. It’s truly a place where music thrives.

Hometown Pride

Hometown Pride

Chicagoans love their city a lot. You can feel it everywhere in the city. The Chicago flag is a big part of this love. It has four red stars and you see it all over, even on sports clothes. This flag shows how deeply people in Chicago care about their city.

The sports teams in Chicago bring everyone together. People are big fans, wearing their team’s colors proudly. They pack stadiums and bars. This love for sports doesn’t care about differences; it only brings people closer.

Chicago’s culture is alive and well. The city is proud of its art scene, from the Art Institute to music spots. Chicagoans enjoy their famous deep-dish pizza and admire their unique buildings. Being from Chicago is a big source of pride for its people.

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Olive Monterio
Olive loves exploring new places and making new discoveries when she is not staying at home with her two cats and sipping on a nice hot cup of green tea latte.

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